Taylor our drama queen. Gotta love that face!
Just carving some pumpkins!

Mean while Austin is just hanging out! So cute!

Finished product. They turned out great girls, good job!
Joe and I joke every year, why do we do this to ourselves!
Usually it's just us sitting at the table carving away, while they
run around. Oh well!

Halloween party at Taylor's school. Here is one of her best
buds Brooklyn. Those two I tell you, were in trouble!
I was lucky to help out and decorate for the party. Following
they had a Halloween Concert.

Lauren you look so stinking cute. You can just
tell she is excited. Look at that smile!

My 50's girl. Looking adorable as ever.

My little cow, got milk?

Here the kids are at the church doing the "Trunk or Treat"
They had a great time.

Daddy and his girls!

Trick or Treat