Here is a run down of a bunch of our pic's. I haven't exactly been the best at keeping up with all this blogging stuff. And why in the world can I not get this to stop being underlined! Oh well! Just been so busy enjoying this great warm weather and learning how to adjust to 3 kids. We've had a great summer and sorry family I haven't kept up on the pics!
Here he is just from the other night. Almost captured
him smiling. He's such a happy baby! So much fun!
Here he is just from the other night. Almost captured
him smiling. He's such a happy baby! So much fun!
The girls caught "Mr. Toad". He's been living outside our door
until recently. (I think he had enough of them) They fed
him cereal and grass. Don't think he was too crazy bout that.
They sure had fun with him.
until recently. (I think he had enough of them) They fed
him cereal and grass. Don't think he was too crazy bout that.
They sure had fun with him.
So here we are at a waterslide park in Billings!
We had such a great time! If you look real close you can see
little Taylor getting ready to go down the slide. What a stud!
Maybe I am too much of a chicken. She loved this slide. Ahh!
Look how high up that thing is. I couldn't do it!